Wednesday, December 31, 2008

What are the sources of data to do customer analytics in retail industry ?

Here are some data inputs which can be leveraged to "juice" insights from transactional data

1. Point of sales systems
- Store identifier
- Time of transactions
- Transaction type ( sale / return )
- Sales value
- Number of items shopped
- Product code
- Quantity
- Promotion code
- Store employee number
- Loyalty card number ( optional )

2) Loyalty card
- Loyalty card identifier
- Cardholder name
- Age
- Sex
- Profession
- Address
- City/State
- Zip

3) Store profile
- Store id
- Store description
- Store location
- Store type
- Store area in square feet
- Store format
- Number of floors in the store

4) Product info
- Product id
- Product description
- Product type
- Brand
- Category

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