Monday, January 5, 2009

Retail New product engagement analytics scenario ( NPD )

There are 5 levels of engagement a customer can have in the virtual world
1) When he clicks on a product which shows a degree of interest in the product
2) When he enlarges the photo of the product to see how the product looks in a magnified form shows even greater interest on the consumer
3) When he checks the detailed features page to see all specifications of the product it shows slightly greater interest
4) When he actually checks the price page it implies there is some level of purchase consideration
5) When he actually emails the page to a friend it is the highest form of engagement the consumer is having with the product as he is referring it to a friend

What are some of the business questions which can be answered from the above

1) Which are the top 3 products which are engaging the customer?
2) Which are the products which find least engagement with the customer?
3) Which products are being emailed most frequently and how many of them have touched the price page?
4) Which configuration features for Titanium ring are being configured most often ?

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